Monday, April 15, 2013

Detroit Burn

Last night we went on a double date with friends Chris and Ashley.  We ate a Pizza Luce and then saw the documentary "Detroit Burn". 

The pizza was amazing!  I had never been there during "normal" dining hours!  (Only been to the downtown location late at night!)

The film was being shown at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis.  James had been there for a fire alarm call but never to see a movie and the rest of us had never been there.  It was a gorgeous theater! 

Right as we walked in James saw fellow firefighters.  It seemed every time we turned there was someone else he knew from the department.  It was nice to finally put some faces to the names!

The film was great but scary.  Not in the horror film type scary but as in holy crap that is what my husband does when he goes to work!  The creators put cameras on some of the firefighters helmets so you got a first hand view of what they were walking into.  It was amazing to be able to see exactly what happens when they arrive at a fire but at the same time I was happy to maybe not know exactly how scary it is! 

It was really eye opening to how brave and heroic my husband is.  I have always known he is brave and heroic but to actually SEE it and not just hear about it really made me think about it more.  I guess he kinda down plays what he does on the department.  To him its just his job and he is just thankful he can enjoy his job since many people are stuck in a career they don't enjoy. 

All the proceeds of the viewings are going to help the Detroit Fire Department and I highly recommend seeing it if you can.

It also came at a perfect time because the social worker at the school I work at just asked if we knew anyone in certain career areas that they want to have a mini career seminar for some of the students.  Firefighting was one and I kinda roped James into coming to it!  He whines about it but I know he loves his job and talking about it!

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